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New York Bioforce

Free Comprehensive Science Research Training Leading to Paid Summer Internships in Research Labs and Health Care Institutions

Thank you for your interest in New York Bioforce! This program is designed for students graduating in 2025 or 2026 from low-income families with backgrounds that are underrepresented in STEAM. It provides 100 hours of science research and professional skills training on Saturdays in the spring followed by placement in a six-week paid summer internship at cutting-edge academic and industry labs and health care institutions.

We've placed students at Columbia Engineering, Weill Cornell Medicine, the New York Proton Center, and life science companies. This program prepares participants for higher education in STEAM fields and ultimately to join the workforce as the next generation of scientists and health care professionals.

Prospective Students

Applications for 2025 will open in mid-January.

Learn more about the NY Bioforce program.

Hear what prior participants thought of their Bioforce experience.

Application & Eligibility

Applications are open!

Application Deadline: February 20, 2025

Acceptance decisions are made on a rolling basis, so the earlier you apply the more likely you’ll get a spot. Applications will close as soon as our spots are full, and no later than February 20th.


Applicant Eligibility

The program creates opportunities in STEAM for students from backgrounds that have been historically excluded from these fields, including students of color, women and non-binary students, LGBTQ+ students, students with disabilities, and first generation students. 

Additionally, qualified applicants meet the following criteria:

  1. Must be an 11th or 12th grade student (graduating 2025 or 2026)

  2. Attend a NYCDOE public or charter high school

  3. Should have an interest in pursuing academic or professional opportunities in STEAM 

    • Prior research experience is NOT required.

  4. Must be available to attend training sessions on Saturdays throughout the spring, and commit to their own learning and growth

  5. Can demonstrate educational and/or economic disadvantage: 

    • Applicant attends a NYC high school that has an Economic Need Index (ENI) of 0.8/80% or higher. Please check your school's ENI through this website:

    • Applicant family income qualifies for Medicaid, SNAP, TANF, or other similar government aid.


Application Checklist 

Applications will not save once they have been started. The application will ask for the following: 

  1. Resume: 1 page, saved as a PDF

  2. Unofficial Transcript 

  3. Short Answers: 

    • What are your academic and/or career goals in STEAM, and how will this internship program fit into them? (300 words max)

    • The NY Bioforce Program is dedicated to creating a community-based learning environment where persons of all backgrounds and identities are celebrated and supported in their STEAM journey. (300 words)

      • (1) How will you contribute to this positive learning environment?

      • (2) What would this type of learning environment mean to you?



Share the Opportunity!

If you know of any high schools or strong students who would benefit from our program, feel free to share a link to this page. We believe in the power of quality STEAM education to give every student the opportunity to succeed in a high-tech economy.

Stay Up to Date

Stay connected to learn how we're empowering the next generation of STEAM trailblazers. Get program highlights, student success stories, and updates on ways your support is making a difference.

*Current or Potential


What To Expect

Program Overview

New York Bioforce students will immerse themselves in the fundamental principles of scientific investigation, get hands-on experience in laboratory techniques, and complete paid summer internships at research labs and health care institutions. We offer under-represented NYC students a strong foundation in life science research skills to create a pathway towards academic and career success in STEAM. At the end of the program, students get the exciting opportunity to present their internship research in a poster session at the American Museum of Natural History. The program is broken into two phases:


  • Runs: April to July

  • Time commitment: 100 hours

  • Format: Saturday sessions at Columbia University with virtual weeknight seminars 



  • Runs: July to August

  • Time commitment: 150 hours 

  • Format: 25 hours/week for 6 weeks working with an internship mentor in their lab or health care facility

Internship Partners 

We are always adding new labs and organizations to our list of internship providers to ensure the best possible experience for our students. Here are some of the labs and organizations where we've placed Bioforce students:

STEAM Curriculum

This program combines engaging academic content focused on STEAM with hands-on training, creative exploration, and professional development. Our curriculum is designed to give students the fundamental tools they need to succeed in their internships and in future STEAM endeavors. With our experienced instructors from top-tier research institutions, and our curated curriculum that is responsive to employer needs, we provide a highly effective learning experience. We believe that our well-rounded foundation in science research will help students discover their passion, reach their full potential, and make a positive impact on the world.

Example Schedule

Laboratory Training

Watch our preview videos and ignite your curiosity! Our instructors will guide you through each step of the learning process to help you develop the skills you need to succeed. We aim to provide a fun and engaging learning experience that will inspire you to explore a variety of STEAM careers and foster a lifelong passion for science.

Internship Research

At the conclusion of our program, every students has the opportunity to share their research experience and hard work to the public in a poster session at the American Museum of Natural History. Below are examples of student poster presentations. 

Student Testimonials

“Bioforce helped me curate a mindset that I can do hard things and I can self advocate.”

Christine Olagunju, NY Bioforce 2023

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